2010年9月18日 星期六

一絲絲的苦 滲透


2010年9月10日 星期五

A Trap

sometimes I choose to ignore the reality

and just follow the thoughtless feelings

at that moment  it seems everything wont bother me anymore

but next day when I wake up

a little bit bitter shows and fills all of my mind

day after day

I think I will go through something that I don't know

even it can hurt me easily

maybe it's too late to turn everything back to the beginning

Just standstill and see what will happen next

2010年9月8日 星期三

after 3 years I try another way to start my stories

it's been 3 years since the first time I come here .

3 years ago I was a collage student

I have some dreams

I feel I can overcome everything

I don't know very well about myself

like....I don't know what can I do for this soecity

or for the human being

I just try to be a child or a normal common person

I'm not afraid of eveything even while I've been lose my grandfather

during these years  lots of things happened to me

most of time I choose to forget it  so I can move on without sadness or unhappy feelings

but sometimes it really gets me down

I will turn off the light   close the door and sat on my bed  crying quietly  nobody knows that

my family ,either .

also,most of time I feel I was alone  and I cant find anyone

I think it because I always pretend that I dont need anyone , I guess

shopping alone  eat alone  do everything alone  

you know, it gets on my nerves

but I am like sleep for so long  I dont wake up and solve any problems

deeply in my heart   I know I was sick

and it gets worse time by time

that's my story

and I still try hard to fight this strange person

I know one day ,maybe not that quickly ,I guess

I will become a healthy person

and I will look forward to it .

by the way, it's very kind to be here with me, my friend .

thank you for your attention and I am happy to see you again .

Jenny Chen

2007年9月19日 星期三

9/19 in english class

this is my first time to enter this class...

and i'm happy to be here

i hope i can learn more in this class^^